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Mapping Services
PT. Harvestmore Indonesia provides aerial scanning services.
We can provide detailed information regarding that location.
Using Photogrammetry technique to obtain detailed topographical map.
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or Drone are used as scanning and mapping instrument.
Photogrammetry output can be displayed in :
1. 3D Terrain Model
2.Digital Surface Model
3. Digital Terrain Model
4. Georeferenced Orthophoto Mosaic
5. Vector Digitalization Map
6. Map Contour
7. Trees Counting
We provide the following agricultural services:
1. Land Mapping
2. Trees Counting
3. Land Countouring
4. Soil Health & Fertility
Comparing with traditional techniques, drones map faster, and more economically.
On low altitude, it can produce resolutions by up to 5 cm/pixel.
This service is commonly used by plantations such as oil palm, and rubber plantations, in construction projects, and forestry projects.
Our Working Timeline :
Preparation -> GCP (Ground Control Point) preparation, if needed only -> Taking photos from above using UAV -> Report generation -> Creating Contour, Mapping and Digitization -> Photos Editing -> Result
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