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Engano Plus



Engano Plus+ is a Bio-Fertilizer containing Indigenous Acitivated Enzymes in compressed liquid concentrate. A spectrum of vital plant nutrients helps boost and activate the natural biological processes in plants. It functions as a potent soil activator and enables soil replenishment. Produced from our proprietary biotech formulation combining nano-carbon technology, natural activated enzymes, indigenous rainforest microbes and phytochemicals from botanical extracts. It is suitable for all plant types and crops to nurture a sustainable ecosystem for farms. See the difference in just weeks!


Suitable for use in crops such as sugarcane, cacao, oil palm, coffee, leafy vegetables, fruit trees, onions, tomatoes, paddy, and much more.

Engano Plus now is certified 100% organic from Control Union with register number CU 859347

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Certified 100% Organic by
Control Union : CU 859347

Ganobuster is formulated from a wide selection of plants extract that have anti-fungal properties. By combining this unique formula with our Active Nano-Carbon technology, absorption is far more efficient and immediate.


Apply Ganobuster compound onto affected areas, and the active ingredient does its work and eradicate the fungi to its root. 


Its unique formula is also effective in eradicating the deadly Ganoderma disease that has gained infamous notoriety for felling and killing oil palm trees that have many more productive years ahead. 


Our method to restore trees and plant health is simple. The Ganobuster solution is applied according to our prescribed schedule. After which, Engano Plus is applied to accelerate healing from the "trauma" of expelling the fruiting bodies. This completes the whole restoration process.

Trivial facts about Ganoderma

The greatest threat to sustainable oil palm production in South East Asia is from Ganoderma diseases, caused by the white rot fungus Ganoderma boninense (Flood et al., 2000). Basal stem rot (BSR) is the most common manifestation of Ganoderma disease in the region.

BSR is characterised by a decay of the bole, production of aerial symptoms such as multiple spears and production of brackets or fruit bodies on the base of the trunk. In severe cases, the palm falls over.

Most severe losses from BSR occur in Indonesia and Malaysia with lower incidences being recorded in Africa, Papua New Guinea and Thailand (Idris et al., 2004).

In Malaysian coastal areas an average of 50% yield losses from 80% of 13-year-old plantings was recorded by Lim et al. (1992). The disease has long been known in these coastal areas, but a survey has also reported typical levels of disease incidence of 30% on 13-year-old palms in both inland and peat soils (Rao et al., 2003).


In Indonesia, estates encounter similar problems. In North Sumatra, by the time of replanting (25 years) 40-50% of palms are lost in some fields (Sumatra Bioscience data base) with the majority of standing palms showing disease symptoms but where oil palm stumps were left in the ground at replanting then more serious palm losses due to Ganoderma have been observed in some fields (up to 25% occurred within 7 years) (Subagio & Foster, 2003).


Losses begin to have a financial effect once the disease affects more than 10% of the stand (Hasan & Turner, 1998). On average there is a decline of the yield of the fresh fruit bunch (FFB) of 0.16t/ha for every palm lost, and when the stand had declined by 50% the average FFB yield reduction was 35% (Subagio & Foster, 2003).

© 2014 PT. Harvestmore Multitrade Indonesia

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